Modular Monolith: Domain-Centric Design
In previous posts in this series, I covered what a Modular Monolith is, what its architecture looks like and how this architecture can be enforced. Then I described architectural drivers for this architecture and styles of integration between modules. In this post I would like to go deeper - a level lower and describe how such architecture can be designed. We are not going to implement this architecture yet - we will focus on its technology-agnostic design.
Modular Monolith: Integration Styles
In this post, I would just like to discuss the missing part – Integration Styles for modules in Modular Monolith architecture.
Modular Monolith: Architecture Enforcement
In previous posts we discussed what is the architecture of Modular Monolith and architectural drivers that can affect its choice. In this post, I would like to focus on ways to enforce chosen architecture.
Modular Monolith: Architectural Drivers
In the first post about the architecture of Modular Monolith I focused on the definition of this architecture and the description of modularity. In this post I would like to discuss some of the most popular, in my opinion, Architectural Drivers which can lead to either a Modular Monolith or Microservices architecture.
Modular Monolith: A Primer
Many years have passed since the rise of the popularity of microservice architecture and it is still one of the main topics discussed in the context of the system architecture. The popularity of cloud solutions, containerization and advanced tools supporting the development and maintenance of distributed systems (such as Kubernetes) is even more conducive to this phenomenon.